Empower Yourself with The F.I.X. Code Technique

An amazing technique by the creator, Daniel Flear who perfected this tool for 25 years; brought to us by Stacey Nye who deconstructed it, practiced it, & tweaked it before creating courses & on-line events to teach you to use it with your family, friends, & of course, yourself.


My Mission as a F.I.X. Code Practitioner

Free you to live a happy, authentic life with those you love



A Metaphorical device (language) that allows your unconscious mind to interpret and make the changes it needs.  It disconnects those horrible feelings and fears

… (fears are making pictures of the future going wrong)



Biggest problem you have in your life right now, when you think about it, how does it make you feel?

The negative feeling or fear/pictures of the future going wrong are the codes which are disconnected by the F.I.X. Code & your unconscious mind.



anyone that is stuck or feeling held back

can’t move forward, afraid

feeling overwhelmed

weepy, weak or feeling worthless

removes obstacles to productivity by decreasing stress

feeling struggle and soooo much more

Looking for a Spiritual Healing tool designed for the Ascension process, to raise your vibration and move you into the 5D vibration

can help just about anyone who wants help

 A coach/ healer looking for a technique to move your clients through trauma and fears


Join The 5 Day Virtual Summit Trauma to Triumph

F.I.X. Code Trauma to Triumph Week