A Few of My Favorite Tools
Below are links to some of my favorite things:
MagicDichol – Nano Soma link *
MagicDichol Nano Soma is an amazing trigger for your body to heal itself & no longer need nutritional supplements. My body is supported in so many ways: I absoultely love & appreciate Nano Soma.
MagicDichol Intoduction Video
MagicDichol – New User Video
Block therapy is hands down, my favorite physical tool & in my opinion, the missing key to optimal wellness in our physical, emotional & energetic bodies.
Free Heartmath tools from the HeartMath Institute
Animal Speak by Ted Andrews
Ho’ Oponopono, a technique that can be used anytime and anywhere
Animal Desk Reference Essential Oils for Animals
Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils
The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton PhD
* Amazon, Block Therapy & MagicDichol Affiliate
As an Amazon, Block Therapy & MagicDichol affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases